Troubleshooting | Error when testing connection to Reflect servers

Learn how to troubleshoot errors that may arise when testing the Core connection to Reflect servers.

Updated at June 7th, 2024

Affected Products

Hardware Model/Series
Q-SYS Core Processor
Core Manager

Problem | Symptoms

On the Q-SYS Core Manager > Reflect page, you receive an error after clicking Test Connection.

Causes | Verification

  • A firewall may be blocking access to an Internet DNS server (port 53).
  • A firewall may be blocking access to an Internet NTP server (port 123). This prevents the Core from obtaining the correct local time and date and causes a certification failure. (This would not be applicable in cases where the NTP server is on the local network.)
  • A firewall may be blocking HTTPS (TCP port 443) outbound traffic from the Q-SYS Core to the Internet.
  • A proxy server for Internet access or a Next Generation Firewall with SSL inspection may be preventing the Q-SYS Core from communicating with the Q-SYS Reflect servers.

Solution | Workaround

If you see errors during a connection test, check with your IT administrator to ensure your connection is configured properly. In particular, ask your IT administrator to whitelist all traffic to